Bruno Škvorc (30)

Running a Dedicated Idena Node

I joined the Idena ecosystem not so long ago. Idena is a proof-of-identity blockchain which lets users in based on invites from existing members, and then demands every user re-verify their humanity based on a captcha-like task once or twice per month. All verified users get a reward from the…

An Endomorph's Journey to Health, Part 2

12 weeks ago I started a new fitness journey. It's been 6 weeks since my last progress update, so as promised, here we go. To recap, here's my program, enhanced with the progress since the last 6 weeks.

My Candidacy for Polkadot and Kusama Council

Polkadot, the next generation blockchain infrastructure layer, is live and in full swing, with its crazy cousin Kusama leading the way in innovation and risk-taking.

As chains with built-in governance - meaning the tokenholders can decide the fate of the chain with auto-enacting proposals - Polkadot and Kusama are challenging the idea of blockchain immutability and code as law. They value governance consensus first, everything else second.

An Endomorph's Journey to Health, part 1

Six weeks ago today I decided to get back into shape. I had reached 89.9kg, which was just 10kg short of my all time high, and wasn't really feeling well. I had just fixed my treadmill desk, so it was time to get back into it again.

Chirp - Kusama's Twitter

As the technical education team at Web3 Foundation, it is our duty to push the envelope with interesting proofs of concept in order to entice other developers to follow suit and build interesting experiments of their own. With that in mind, we're building Chirp - a Twitter clone on Kusama which under…

Don't Force Your Đapp's UI on me

The above image is from Alchemy, the UI for DAOStack's DAOs. Disclaimer: in this post I'll criticize Alchemy for some UX and decentralization gaffes, but to be fair I should first state that: If you're not familiar with DAOStack, it's a comprehensive expert-level framework of smart contracts for building intricate…

My approach to wellness

The amount of what can be defined as "wellness" is inversely proportional to the amount of bullshit in one's life. You don't need to work hard to get wellness and, in fact, I'd argue that's the opposite of a correct approach. Retreats, trips, vacations and similar timeouts are great, but…

Code and Fitness: Fear the Walking Dev

I've been sitting in front of code and text for the good part of the last 15 years. A sedentary job can take its toll on your health, especially as you begin to age and your body is past the "thank you sir, may I have another" phase. They're not…

A Ledger Story: How Not to Treat Your Distributors

This is the story of how we became and then stopped being a Ledger reseller. Gun, meet foot.

Valhello: Ethereum State Channels for Games

MUDs, blockchain, and gaming. A match made in heaven. Let's explore how we can use Layer 2 scaling technology to build a multi user dungeon.

What is it like to live in Croatia?

I live in Croatia. A while back I stumbled upon a Quora answer which answers the question "What is it like to live in Croatia" perfectly. The answer has, for some reason, been deleted since but I've archived it here and am reposting it verbatim, save for some corrections of typos and phrasing. None of it is satire or exaggeration, it's all very true.

New Year's Resolutions

Here goes - yet another New Year's Resolution™.

Teaching Tuesday

I am a big fan of learning. Everything, all the time. I've drowned in the rabbit hole of wikipedia context links many times and learned a lot of trivia both on accident and on purpose. So a few months ago, I decided to try something new internal to my family (currently counting 2.5, including myself). We started Teaching Tuesday.

The 2nd Amendment of Money

Are you really free if you depend on THEIR money?

Audithor launched

Today we launched Audithor, a consortium of smart contract developers and security auditors. The group has permanent members and a flexible gang of external collaborators, maintaining almost 100% availability without losing any quality.