Council Participation Report, 08.01.2020.

As promised, what follows is my regular councilor activity transparency report. This report details votes cast and discussions participated in from Dec 2nd to Jan 8th. The gap is due to me not having been elected for a lot of the period.


At the time of writing, 1 KSM = $69 (nice).

  • Motion 251 aims to cover the basic costs of hosting Polkadot and Kusama database snapshots for download, Polkashots, created by This is their way of building reputation for their validator, which is fine. Even though I maintain a separate snapshots repository and cross-host on IPFS, I was happy to support this because the amount is meaningless (6.4 KSM per month) and the more options people have to quickly sync their databases, the better.


  • Tip 0xddc5...3688 is looking to reward this Youtube video about Kusama. The video is relatively well produced, but riddled with inaccuracies (it calls Kusama a test network, and talks about "commission fees" being much lower on Kusama than on Polkadot for transactions and smart contract interactions) so I voted to close the tip without payout.
  • Tip 0x866b...6ba1 is Shawn Tabrizi tipping a contributor to Substrate. I will gladly support this one with the median of 4.5 KSM. Open source contributions need to be rewarded.
  • Tip 0x1eed...6522 is a test tip that everyone voted to cancel and slash, including myself.
  • Tip 0x6045...df7b is looking to reward the creation of this video about KSM. The production quality is mediocre at best, it talks almost exclusively about price before proceeding to just read from the Kusama website out loud. I do not think it contributes anything to the ecosystem. I voted to close it at 0 KSM.


  • The "1% DOT supply airdrop to KSM holders" topic was broached again, but no one seems to have specific ideas on how this should be realized. I'm personally against a flat out airdrop, yet most people seem to be expecting just that. I'd rather distribute by network activity or some other factor, not by holdings, if such a distribution were to happen at all, though I do not think it will nor do I think it should.

If you like these reports and would like to see active Council members on Polkadot too, remember I'm a candidate there as well and voting is easy :) Your vote makes the difference and helps build a good chain!