Full time RMRK

Starting today, I am full time in RMRK.app and the wonderful things we're building over at Singular.rmrk.app and Kanaria.rmrk.app.
It has been a wonderful year and a half at the Web3 Foundation and I'm proud to have worked there. To learn and teach alongside such experts has been an honor and a privilege and I am very proud of the excellent wiki and educational resources we've produced together.
RMRK started in August last year when I noticed the NFT craze was starting up again and felt like it would be a shame for Kusama to miss out on it. One basic spec and toolset later, some teams built on these foundations, validating my thesis. In January, I formed a team around RMRK and we went into build mode to develop workarounds for launching on Kusama without smart contracts and logic. Once we were happy with what we had, we started Kanaria as a proof of concept.
RMRK evolved significantly since, and due to unexpectedly succeeding beyond my original intentions for it (to build an NFT protocol from within W3F), and the continuing boom of the NFT industry, dual wielding the technical education job and leading RMRK was untenable. Starting today, I am full time devoted to RMRK, the most advanced NFT protocol in existence.
With our fundraise drawing to a close and RMRK 1.0 having been out for a while now, we are well positioned to shift the NFT paradigm to something with long lasting liquidity, utility, and forward-compatibility, and I couldn't be more excited about the team of experts we've assembled to focus on this mission.
I hope you'll join me on this adventure!
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