Council Participation Report, 13.11.2020.

As promised, what follows is my regular councilor activity transparency report. This report details votes cast and discussions participated in from Nov 5th to Nov 13th.
Due to COVID, I missed some votes in this past fortnight. I want to make it clear that I do not intend for this to become a habit, I was simply prevented from interacting with the chain. I am currently setting up a mobile governance proxy so I can interact with the chain from my phone.
Treasury proposal 22 or Motion 39 by Subscan covers operating expenses of the platform on Polkadot from December 2020 to February 2021. A specification of the costs can be found here. I supported this proposal. I believe Subscan is an important part of the ecosystem and their ask is not obscene.
Treasury proposal 23 or Motion 40 is for Redspot 0.3. The report on 0.2 can be found here. I supported this proposal. Their development has been on point, they have been punctual in their delivery and detailed in their reports, and a Truffle-like (or Hardhat-like) project in the DOT ecosystem is very important for developer adoption. I will support this for almost any amount they ask.
Motion 41 cancels proposal 8 as requested by the submitter. I have supported the undoing of this mistake. The submitter claims to have submitted this proposal as a test. There is no reason not to believe them, and they should not lose their deposit over it.
Referendum 12 is asking to move a claim address. No further information has been provided so I will abstain from voting right now (there's 26 days to go).
For reference, DOT is at $4.2 at the moment of writing.
- Tip 0x5c2d...3449 is to reward the Russian translation of Gav's recent opinion on whether or not Eth2 is going to be a copy of Polkadot. I don't think this is worth 60 DOT, but am happy to support it with 20 DOT.
- Tip 0x9c73...3cb8 wants to reward Ryabina for integrating remark parsing into their Telegram bot, which allows Parity to issue remark messages on-chain which would be sent into people's Telegram accounts. Explanation here. The default of 300 DOT is a bit much for me, but I'm happy to support this with half that.
I requested more information about the Subbox proposal: a team wants to implement a hosted solution for cargo-remote to allow for faster Substrate compilation.
An interesting proposal about adding remarks and reputation weights to treasury proposals and votes has been posed on Polkassembly.
For reference, KSM is at $38 at the moment of writing.
- tip 0xd149...8fcf is for rewarding a Russian-language video on Kusama. The author has self-submitted this, and I don't know if it provides any concrete value, so 15 KSM seems a bit excessive, but the channel does have 44k subs and fairly decent engagement, so I'm happy to support this with 7.5 KSM.
- tip 0x0e8b...5ba9 is a nominator's ask to have their slash refunded. Because Zug Capital's offense was exactly the kind of offense the protocol was designed to punish, this is a legit slash and will not be refunded. I will join the others in shutting this tip down.
- tip 0x51fc...cb28 is for yet another Russian video, but this one seems focused on price too much. I want to discourage price talk, so submitted a 1 KSM tip.
- tip XX is for a Spanish-language video on Parachain Lease Offerings with high engagement and lots of subs. I supported this with the median of 18 KSM.
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